Wer - The Movie.

'Wer' came out in late 2013.  The story begins with a family camping in France, when they are attacked by some kind of animal.  Flesh from the bone, kind of attack.  A French man is accused and taken in by the police.  He is defended by an american attorney and her little team.

Directed by William Brent Bell, who also directed 'The Devil inside' and 'Stay Alive'.  As he did with 'Stay Alive', William takes the story out of it's cliché, away from it's prospective place in fiction and drags it through the grey area.  'Wer' is a great movie.  Being a monster story fan and addict, whether in books, movies or TV series, I don't give my blessing easily.  This may be a turning curve in this genre of fiction.  I know I haven't written what the genre is.  If you haven't seen it, I won't ruin it for you.

A.J. Cook from 'Criminal Minds', plays Kate Moore, the accused Talan Gwyneck's attorney.  A huge Brian Scott O'Connor, an unknown...so far, plays Talan Gwyneck.  He reminded me of Richard Kiel.  He was they big guy who played Jaws.  In James Bond...not the giant fish.  He also played the unknown bodybuilder on Jerry Lewis's original 'The Nutty Professor'.   He was 'Eegah', a caveman that was just hanging around in the early sixties.  Possibly better known by many today as Mr Larson...the giant guy on 'Happy Gilmore', with the nail in his head.

If you enjoy a scary, action film with a genre twist, I think you'll like this one.  I also think we can expect a lot more from Director William Brent Bell.

If you like, you can leave your own thoughts on the movie in the comments.

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